
Thank you for joining us in the Rights of the Child in the Digital Age project. We are very grateful for your assistance in helping us to generate digital content that captures children’s and young people’s experiences of their rights in a digital age. This research Workshop aims to document:

  1. The diverse ways children and young people are using digital media in their everyday lives around the world.
  2. The challenges children and young people face accessing, and using digital media.
  3. The opportunities afforded by digital media for children and young people to understand and act upon their rights in a digital age.
  4. Examples of the ways that children and young people are using digital media to change their lives and the lives of those around them for the better (i.e. you might use social media, do school work online, communicate with others or share or create media content.)
Project Goal:
We aim to capture the opinions of children and young people so that your points of view can be presented to the United Nations Committee for the Rights of the Child when they meet in Geneva this September to discuss updating the Convention for the Rights of the Child in the digital age. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Project Organisers:
This project is conducted by the Digitally Connected Network, and led by the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre at the University of Western Sydney, The Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and UNICEF.